Parent Guide for Families

For a Smooth Running Experience

Camp Policies


Sunrock High Adventure Base takes Youth Protection very seriously and has adopted the following policies for the safety and well-being of its guests. These policies primarily protect youth; however, they also serve to protect adult leaders.


Two-Deep Leadership


Two adult leaders 21 years of age or over are required at all times while at camp. All adults coming to camp must be registered with the group.


No One-On-One Contact


One-on-one contact between adults and youth members is not permitted. In situations that require a personal conference, the meeting is to be conducted in view of the other adults and youth.


Respect of Privacy


Adult leaders must respect the privacy of youth members in situations such as changing clothes and taking showers at camp and intrude only to the extent that health and safety requires. Adults must protect their own privacy in similar situations.


Tenting Accommodations


Separate tenting arrangements must be provided for male and female adults as well as for male and female youth. Youth sharing tents must be no more than two years apart in age. Youth and adults not of the same family must tent separately. Spouses may share tents.


Group Discipline and Adult Supervision


The role of the camp staff is to provide the summer camp program and all of the other camp infrastructure needed to ensure a safe and enjoyable stay at camp. As with any group outing, the adult leadership or parents of each group or family is responsible for the behavior of their participants or children. Please help the staff focus on program by watching your participants and being available to deal with discipline issues should they develop.




Each group is required to carry adequate and proper group liability insurance and provide proof of insurance at registration. Please prepare to verify that each camper is protected with personal health insurance - ensure that policy numbers are listed on each medical form.

•  Groups must have two-deep leadership at all times while at camp. No exceptions!

•  All adults coming to camp must be registered with the group..

•  No fireworks of any kind are permitted on camp property.

•  No flames, fires, or fuels of any kind are permitted inside tents.

•  Throwing rocks is strictly forbidden.

•  Personal firearms and bows are not permitted, please leave them at home.

•  All vehicles must be parked in the designated camp parking areas.

•  No alcoholic beverages or illegal substances are allowed on camp property.

•  Please remember to safeguard your valuables while at camp.  

•  A locked vehicle in the parking lot may be used to store your group’s valuables.

•  Shoes or sandals must be worn at all times at camp.

•  Youth are not allowed to have sheath knives – leave them at home.

•  No LASER (pens/pointers) of any kind are permitted in camp.

•  All guests are required to immediately check-in at the Camp Office.

•  No Smoking at camp - all buildings and tents are smoke-free.

•  Swimwear - participants are encouraged to use swimwear that is suited for active water sports, such as swim trunks or board shorts for males and one-piece suits or tankinis for females.




There is no cell phone or internet service at camp. Take advantage of disconnecting and unplugging from devices while at camp. The camp director has a satellite phone for emergency use only.


Guests are encouraged to take appropriate pictures and share their experiences from camp on their given social media platforms. Please tag Sunrock High Adventure Base when doing so.

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